About Us

About the Opera Guild

The Guild is an all-volunteer organization whose mission is to support the Granbury Opera House and its allied arts. The Guild has provided support to the Opera House in many areas, including purchase of the main stage curtain, sound equipment, painting inside and out for the building, decorating the building during holidays, Christmas, July 4, etc.

In addition, the Guild has awarded scholarships to the Theatre Academy for several of their students for the past few years. This is a very good investment in current and future performers at our grand Opera House.

About the Opera House

The Granbury Opera House was completed in 1886 and was originally named Kerr’s Hall after the owner, Henry Kerr.

The Theatre was not opened until 1891 with a small stage on the second floor with vaudeville acts and melodramas. The first floor served as a saloon, saddle shop and several other businesses.

Performances continued to operate until 1911. Afterwards, the building served many different merchants which included the first bowling alley. Over the next sixty years the building deteriorated and closed.

Joe and Lou Nutt and community leaders formed the Granbury Opera Association in 1974 and started rebuilding the theatre. In 1975 the Granbury Opera House opened again with JoAnn Miller as producer and remained until mid-1990’s. Donna Norton and Marty Van Kleeck continued as directors for many years and afterward production companies came and went.

In 1977 the Granbury Opera House was listed on the National Historic Register. Then another renovation began by the City of Granbury, with a wonderful, elaborate black-tie event for the new opening that was scheduled the evening of December 3, 2013.

The Opera House is a state-of-the-art theatre, and is currently the home of the Granbury Theatre Company, presenting plays, musicals, concerts, lectures and civic events.

Guild Meetings

General membership meetings are held monthly, September through May on the first Tuesday of each month. All meetings are held at DeCordova Country Club, 10:30 - 12:00. 10:30 AM for social time, 11:00 AM the meeting is called to order, and lunch is served at 12:00 PM buffet style, lunch $18.00 - lunch is optional. Board meetings will be held monthly September through May on a date agreed to by the Board. Additional meetings may be called as needed by the President. All meetings are governed by current bylaws.

Board of Directors

The Board is made up of elected officers, (president, vice president, recording secretary, treasurer, corresponding secretary), elected directors, (fundraising director, membership director, program director, reservations director), parliamentarian and standing committee chairpersons.

The board is responsible for overall policies and direction of the organization and will delegate responsibility for all programs, expenditures activities and fundraising to individual volunteers and volunteer committees.

Officers and Directors are elected for two (2) year terms.

Should you be interested in volunteering for any position within the Opera Guild, please complete the volunteer form here.

Standing Committees

Standing committees work on an ongoing basis and report to the board. These chairpersons will be members in good standing and serve for a one-year appointment that may be extended by the President. Committees consist of: Directory Committee – Members Night Out Committee – Newsletter Committee – Publicity Committee – Ushers Committee – Social Media Committee – Website Committee

In addition, special committees can be created for a temporary or special purpose, receiving direction from the Board of Directors. Examples consist of: Bylaws Committee – Budget Committee – Audit Committee